The Traffic Engineering section is responsible for making sure that the roadways are available for the safe efficient conveyance of vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. Traffic management plans are developed and implemented for parades, sports events, fireworks, etc. Requests for lane or street closures for construction or events are reviewed and the field set-ups are inspected. Set-ups are installed to facilitate road work performance.
This section generates plans and work orders for installations of signs and pavement markings. All new development plans are reviewed to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic and the plans are prepared for any needed traffic improvements.
Truck restrictions are established and modified as needed to strike a balance between community impacts and the needs of businesses. Permits and routes for oversized loads are issued and escorts are provided to coordinate with police.
Traffic engineering personnel work with community groups to address concerns and develop traffic calming measures where appropriate. Traffic engineering personnel also work with the MTA to improve the Regional Transit System.
The Signal Engineering Section is responsible for the design of new and existing traffic signals. Specific projects include:
Development of a state-of-the-art Traffic Management Control Center (TMC)
Replacement of the City's 1300 Traffic Signal Controllers
Replacement of the 40,000 plus traffic signal bulbs with LED's (Light Emitting Diode)
Signal timing contract to retime signals in the Central Business District and along selected gateways
Installation of traffic monitoring cameras
Installation of fiber optic cable to link signals and cameras to the TMC
This facility installs and modifies traffic signal installation that is included in the above-ground and underground work which involves commute cable installation and repairs. This facility assists other divisions with the installation of poles for police surveillance cameras and the removal of large trailblazer signs.
This facility is responsible for the repair of all electronic components associated with traffic signals. Examples are the traffic signal controllers and associated electronic components, pedestrian push buttons, vehicle detectors, traffic monitoring cameras, and signal bulbs. A 24-hour maintenance operator is maintained to provide a quick response to address any signal operator issues including a bulb replacement.
The procedures below will serve as a formal process to reevaluate city streets for designation, no designation, or change in designation as an official truck route. You can find DOT’s proposed procedures. There will be a 30-day public comment period starting 12/20/2019. Comments can be emailed to Valorie Lacour during the comment period. After the comment period, DOT will publish the final procedures on the website.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires private developers to maintain traffic on public streets during all phases of construction. A Maintenance of Traffic Plan (MOT) is required and must be submitted to the Traffic Division for review and approval, along with the completed application for a Temporary Use of the Right of Way permit. To view the form please visit the Quick Forms web page here.