For towing related frequently asked questions please visit the Department of Transportation Towing Division webpage.
DOT does not issue parking permits. For parking permits please contact the Parking Authority of Baltimore City at https://parking.baltimorecity.gov or (443) 573-2800.
For truck permits please call the Traffic division at 443-984-2150.
Citizens can find information on block parties by clicking the link below.
Citizens can find auction listings by visiting the Department of Transportation auction listings page.
The Circulator currently operates four routes in the downtown area. For information regarding route maps and service updates please visit the Charm City Circulator website.
Citizens should contact 311 to request the repair of an alley, excluding a pothole. For alley potholes, please use the Pothole request type.
Citizens should contact 311 to request a repair to a footway/sidewalk on a city street - (The footway may be broken, cracked, or chipped.) After assessing the problem, the City will perform necessary repairs to make it safe. A violation notice may be issued if the property is privately owned; the resident or business owner would either repair footway/sidewalk or pay the city to perform the work.
Citizens can contact 311 to report a streetlight outage by visiting Baltimore 311. Streetlights are maintained by either the City or BG&E. The City will repair or coordinate the repair of all public street lights.
Citizens can contact 311 to request repairs to a traffic or pedestrian signal at a signalized intersection by visting Baltimore 311. A technician will be dispatched to investigate and repair the signal problem. Please enter location using street names of the intersection. (I.E. Pratt and Light; Gay and Fayette) IF THE SIGNAL IS FLASHING OR NOT FUNCTIONING AT ALL, CALL 311 TO REPORT AN EMERGENCY SITUATION!
Citizens should contact 311 to report a pothole(s) on a public street or alley. The City will repair most potholes within 48 hours. Winter pothole repairs will be temporary until the spring when permanent repairs will be made.
Citizens should also contact 311 to request a repair regarding the material condition of a street, such as cracking, sunken, raised, or sinkhole etc. - exclusive of potholes. A Department of Transportation Highway Maintenance Supervisor is assigned to assess the problem. After assessing the problem, the Supervisor will issue a service request to a Transportation Maintenance Crew for repairs.
Citizens must contact the Parking Authority of Baltimore City at http://parking.baltimorecity.gov or (443) 573-2800. Please be advised that DOT does not issue parking permits.
Citizens should contact the Law Department to file a claim at 410-396-3400.
To report street lines and crosswalk markings that are missing or faded you can contact 311 by visiting Baltimore 311.
Citizens should contact 311 to report a derelict vehicle on public or private property. At least three of the following must be included to help identify the vehicle: exactaddress, color, make/model, tag number, and condition (i.e. flat tires, broken windshield, etc.). Citizens are also encouraged to submit a photo if available with their service request.
Citizens should also contact 311 to report a traffic violation of a vehicle that has not moved in 48 hours. Once reported we will investigate and then follow-up after observance of 48 hours.
Citizens can contact 311 to report their street conditions during a winter weather event by visiting Baltimore 311. Via 311 citizens will be given a service request number that can be used for tracking and follow up.
DOT issues traffic advisories for major street closures throughout the city. You can get these updates by accessing our social media feeds – Facebook , Twitter, and our website. DOT will also alert local news outlets when there are major events impacting traffic within the city.