The backbone of any great city is transportation. The Charm City Circulator (CCC), is a fleet of 24 free shuttles that travel four routes in the central business district of Baltimore City, Maryland. The Harbor Connector (HC) is an extension of the CCC and is the City’s free maritime transit service connecting 6 piers through four vessels.
The CCC consists of four separate routes—the Green Route which runs from City Hall to Fells Point to Johns Hopkins Hospital Campus, the Purple Route which runs from 33rd Street to Federal Hill, the Orange Route which runs from Hollins Market to Harbor East, and the Banner Route which runs from the Inner Harbor to Fort McHenry. The HC consists of 3 routes – HC1 which connects Maritime Park to Locust Point: HC2 which connects Canton to Fells Point: and HC3 which connects Pier 5 to Harbor View.
We service residents, downtown employees, students and tourists, and anyone else who wishes to ride. The shuttle is intended to reduce congestion and greenhouse gas pollution by offering a convenient, reliable, and eco-friendly form of public transportation.
The Baltimore City Transit Development Plan (TDP)
The Baltimore City Transit Development Plan (TDP) is a planning process that will develop a five-year transit investment strategy for the Charm City Circulator (CCC) bus and Harbor Connector ferry service. For more details about The Baltimore City Transit Development Plan (TDP) and to engage with our project click here or click on the image below.