Right of Way Services Division:
The Right of Way Services Division provides right-of-way permits, special events permits, street vendor licenses, minor privileges, easements and other agreements that allow usage of the City’s roads, alleys, and sidewalks. It also maintains real property databases, including Tax Maps (Block Plats) for the City and sets property address numbers.
The Right of Way Services Division includes the following sections:
Special Events and Street Vendors Section
Special Events: This section issues permits relating to events which are held in Baltimore City that include, but are not limited to, Festivals, Block Parties, Races, Walk-a-thons, Concerts, Parades, Pub Crawls, Farmer’s Markets, Demonstrations, Block Parties, Special Events and Horizontal Banners. These events can be held in the public right-of-way, Baltimore City parks, and on occasion, private property. Special event application forms can be viewed and downloaded from our Quick Forms section.
Contact: 410-396-1916 or email Special Events.
Street Vendors: This section issues licenses relating to Street and Mobile Vendors (including Food Trucks). Street Vendors are any person(s) that sell, distribute, or offer to sell or distribute food products, other merchandise of any kind, or services from a motor vehicle, animal-drawn wagon, bikes, handcarts, pushcarts, or other vehicles on City right-of-ways.
Contact: 443-984-0005
Minor Privilege Section
The Minor Privilege Section issues permits and provides guidelines for encroachments into the public right-of-way. Minor Privileges range from semi-permanent items like signage, awnings, dumpsters and outdoor seating, to more permanent structures like underground vaults and bay windows.
Contact: 410-396-3346 or email Minor Privilege.
Right of Way Permit Section
The Permit Section is responsible for issuing Temporary Use of Right of Way Permits, New Water Service Permits and the selling of Plans/Specifications to bidders for City Capital Projects. Permits are issued for Driveways and Curb Cuts, Curb Repairs, Access to Pull Wires, Cranes, Storage Containers, Street, Alley or Lane Closures, Footway Permits, Hauling, Scaffold, Dumpsters, Fences, Test Pits, Moving Trucks, Film & Media Equipment and Street/Utility Cuts.
Contact: 410-396-4508 or email Permits Documents.
Land Conveyance Section
The Land Conveyance Section is responsible for keeping records of City Rights of Way and Easements. It also facilitates the acquisition of private property to widen city streets or install City utilities, assists developers with bringing utilities to their new developments within the City, and administers the Alley Gating and Greening Program.
Contact: Alley Gating & Greening at 410-396-GATE (4283) or email Alley Gating.
For Developers Agreements, Franchise Agreements, Street Openings and Closings (permanent), Vertical Banners contact 410-396-5023 or 410-396-3667 or email David Framm.
Property Location Section
The Property Location Section is responsible for creating, deleting and modifying Real Property Tax Account numbers for all properties (public or private) within Baltimore City, maintaining and revising Tax Maps (Block Plats), naming/renaming street names, managing and maintaining accurate ownership records and mailing address information for all properties, maintaining various City maps and records for City archives and public availability, managing the GIS Parcel Layer and Street Centerline Layer, fabricating Liquor Board License Maps, managing Consolidation Applications, Operating Print Room functions and reviewing E-Plans, Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) proposals, Subdivisions, Minor Privileges and Right of Way Street Closings.
Contact: Property Consolidation: 410-396-3800, or email Dawn Flanary.
Real Property Inquiries: 410-396-3634, or email Property Location.