Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) seeks to partner with community organizations (Partner Organizations) to lead bicycle safety activities on location at two (2) BCDOT events, listed below:
Carroll Park, May or June 2023
Liberty Heights Ave near BCCC, May or June 2023
Potential pop up during Bike to Work Week 2023
Each of these events will be organized and run by BCDOT staff, while Partner Organizations will be expected to plan and run complementary activities related to bicycle safety. Partner Organization(s) selected will be paid up to $1000 for each event, which will include providing any needed materials and facilitating takedown and cleanup, in addition to event planning and staffing. These materials could include:
A table and/or tent, water, refreshments, and cleaning supplies
Any safety equipment to be used by attendees, such as loaner helmets
Eligible Activities
Eligible event activities could include any programming that aims to directly improve the safety of people who travel by bike, ideally by providing education and information both to people who ride bikes, and to people who share the road with bikes. Activities could cover topics such as:
How to safely ride a bike in city streets and bicycling-related laws
How to maintain bicycles for safe operations
Where in the event’s surrounding neighborhoods to most safely and comfortably ride, for different skill levels
Any activities should increase roadway safety by bringing more awareness of safe routes and teaching attendees about laws and personal safety choices for travel by bike, or for sharing the road with people on bikes.
Activity Expectations
Activities should be specific to the culture, landmarks, and infrastructure at the event location. For example:
Any biking routes should consider and select the safest places to ride, for participants of all skill levels
Any group ride should point out local landmarks or otherwise acknowledge and respect communities ridden through
Safety talks and all communication should be culturally sensitive. As an example, equipment trainings should include relevant information such as how to safely fit bike helmets over African American hair styles
Partner Organizations are expected to run their activities for the full duration of the BCDOT event:
The organization will be expected to manage the activity with little support from BCDOT
A minimum of two staff members should be present at each event to allow for breaks without leaving the activities unattended
Eligible Partner Organizations
To be eligible as a Partner Organization, an organization must:
Be a 501(c) 3, 501(c) 4, or business registered in the State of Maryland
Be in good tax standing in order to register in Baltimore City’s Citybuy portal
Have at least annual programming with the community where the pop-up will occur
BCDOT will award funding up to two (2) organizations. Please submit all proposals by April 4th, 2023!
Click here to apply