2023-2024 Permit Regulations:
Dockless Vehicles
Dockless Vehicles are small vehicles, such as e-scooters and e-bikes, available for rent to get you where you need to go. “Dockless” Vehicles do not need to be parked in a bike rack or any other designated location (the dock). They are equipped with GPS technology and can be parked nearly anywhere - just remember to ride and park courteously!
Dockless Vehicles were made legal by the Baltimore City Council in 2019. The BCDOT manages the annual permits for the companies which operate the vehicles. On an annual basis, BCDOT adjusts rules and regulations based on program evaluation and permits dockless companies which will best meet the needs of Baltimore City. BCDOT reinvests the permit fees into program support including safety education and infrastructure such as designated parking.
Safety Tips
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation encourages all roadway users to be safe, obey all traffic laws, and share the road. With new forms of mobility on the road, everyone should be alert and courteous to other roadway users.
Scooter and bicycle users should know the following laws:
Users under 16 are required to wear helmets when riding.
Scooters and bicycles should ride in bicycle facilities were available and on the right side of the lane where there is no bike lane.
Scooters should not be ridden on sidewalks except on streets where the speed limit is 30 mph or greater (always ride slowly, carefully, and courteously on sidewalks).
Scooters should be parked courteously – not blocking sidewalks, bus stops driveways or doorways. You may park it next to a bike rack, but allow space for bicycles to still use the rack.
Drivers should know the following laws:
Drivers must leave bicycles and scooters at least three (3) feet when passing.
When turning, cars must look and yield to people, bicycles, and scooters.
The fastest way to get a vehicle moved which is illegally parked is to call the company which operates the vehicle—all vehicles have a numeric identifier and the phone for the company printed on the vehicles. To submit feedback about requests or recurring issues, please email DOT Community. Please check back here for announcements of community events where you can submit feedback in person.
Discounted and Non-Smartphone Plans
Discounted and Non-Smartphone plans are available from each provider.
2022-2023 Permits:
Bird - E-scooters and E-bikes (silver and blue branding)
Bird Safety
Bird Community Pricing (discounted plans, non-smartphone plans)
LINK by Superpedestrian - E-scooters and free adaptive vehicles for people with mobility issues (florescent yellow branding)
Contact: 1-844-701-8163, or email LINK City or visit us online at LINK City
LINK-Up (discounted plans, non-smartphone plans)
Spin - E-scooters (orange branding)
Contact: 1(888)249-9698, or email Spin or visit us online at Spin
Spin Access (discounted plans, non-smartphone plans)
API Information:
Lime Public API: https://data.lime.bike/api/partners/v1/gbfs/baltimore/free_bike_status.json
Link Public API: https://mds.linkyour.city/gbfs/us_md_baltimore/free_bike_status.json
Spin Public API: https://web.spin.pm/api/gbfs/v1/baltimore/free_bike_status
2021-2022 Permit Year:
· Dockless Vehicle 2021 Six Month Update
· Rules and Regulations Public Comment Report
2019 - 2021 Extended Permit Year:
Permit Extension Update: August 1, 2020 - January 31, 2021
Dockless Vehicle Annual Evaluation Report: Permit Year One
· Appendix 1: Equity Zone Analysis
· Appendix 2: 2020 User Survey Full Results
· Appendix 3: COVID -19 Response and Analysis
Second Quarter Summary: November 1, 2019 – January 31, 2020
First Quarter Summary: August 1, 2019 - November 1, 2019
2019 Dockless Vehicle for Hire Permit Application
Adopted Rules & Regulations for Dockless Vehicle Permit Holders
Dockless Rules & Regulation Public Comment Report
Dockless Vehicle Pilot Program Evaluation Report
Community Survey Results Preview