Falls Road from Maryland to Chestnut Avenues will close until Summer 2021
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists that a portion of Falls Road will soon close for utility work. The city’s Department of Public Works will be making sanitary sewer collection system improvements along this stretch of Falls Road and will need to close the roadway during construction.
Starting on or about Monday, May 11, 2020 at approximately 6:00 a.m., Falls Road will be closed to through traffic between Maryland Avenue and Chestnut Avenue with detours in effect. This closure is expected to remain in effect through the summer of 2021. Detours have been posted for both north and southbound Falls Road traffic, and local access will be maintained via the detour routes for area businesses. The Jones Falls Trail will remain open and accessible during the closure.
Variable message signs have been placed in the area to alert motorists of the closure. Motorists traveling in this vicinity should be on the watch for changing traffic patterns and are encouraged to use alternate routes.