The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to remind motorists that parking the “wrong way” on city streets is a violation of Maryland Code which could result in citations being issued.
The vehicle law, which falls under Section 21-1004 of the Transportation Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, requires vehicles parked on the street to be parked parallel to the right hand curb with its right wheels no further than 12 inches from the curb except on one-way streets and areas where diagonal parking is allowed. Vehicles stopped on one-way roadways must park parallel to the curb in the direction of designated traffic movement.
Parking the “wrong way” on a two-way street means that vehicles have to be driven on the wrong side of the roadway in order to enter or leave a parking space, which is unlawful and dangerous. Vehicles parked against the flow of traffic increase the risk of head-on or side-swipe collisions, especially when leaving a parking space. Additionally, the risk to pedestrians also increases, as they do not expect vehicles to be approaching from the opposite direction. Instead of parking the wrong way on city streets, motorists are advised to turn around at a safe location and return to the parking space on the opposite side of the street.
Transportation Enforcement Officers actively enforce parking regulations throughout the city by issuing citations 24 hours a day. Parking enforcement occurs on a daily basis, and efforts are focused in high density locations where parking meters, loading zones, street sweeping and residential permit parking areas are prevalent.
Parking regulations are enforced for the safety of everyone. Motorists are strongly encouraged to pay close attention to posted parking signs in city neighborhoods and residential permit parking areas. Vehicles parked in violation may receive citations resulting in significant fines. Citizens can report parking concerns by calling 311 or visitingwww.baltimorecity.gov to generate a service request.