Heavy traffic also expected this afternoon along Cathedral Street in vicinity of the Basilica
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists, cyclists and pedestrians that temporary traffic pattern changes will be implemented this afternoon along a portion of Cathedral Street.
Starting at approximately 2:00 p.m. today, Monday, November 15, 2021, traffic pattern changes will be implemented along Cathedral Street between Franklin and Orleans Streets. All through lanes of traffic will remain open to motorists, but heavy traffic is expected this afternoon. In addition, the designated bike lane along this portion of Cathedral Street will be temporarily shifted to allow special bus parking in this area, and the sidewalk along the east side of Cathedral Street will be closed. The temporary traffic patterns is expected to be maintained until approximately 7:00 p.m. this evening.
Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians traveling in this vicinity should be on the watch for changing traffic patterns and are encouraged to use alternate routes to avoid possible delays.