Traffic Pattern Changes Will be Implemented Along the Waterview Avenue Bridge

Tuesday Jul 27th, 2021

All traffic will be moved to the newly completed section of the bridge; Truck and bus detours will be implemented for northbound travel while the remainder of the bridge is reconstructed

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists that traffic pattern changes will be implemented along the Waterview Avenue Bridge over MD-295 as part of the Triple Bridges Replacement Project.

Starting at approximately 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, all traffic along the Waterview Avenue Bridge will be shifted to the newly completed north side of the bridge so that reconstruction activities can begin on the remainder of the structure.

Once the traffic switch is implemented, truck and bus detours will be in place for northbound travel approaching the bridge, as turn movements at both ends of the structure are restricted for large vehicles during reconstruction. 

Variable message signs have been placed in the area to alert motorists of the traffic shift.  Motorists traveling in this vicinity should be on the watch for changing traffic patterns and are encouraged to use alternate routes. 

Truck/bus detour routes:

Truck/bus traffic traveling north on Annapolis Road will be detoured west (left) on Waterview Avenue, north (right) on Hollins Ferry Road, north (right) on Washington Boulevard, then east (right) on Monroe Street back to Annapolis Road.

Truck/bus traffic traveling north on Waterview Avenue should follow the posted several block detour on Annapolis Road that provides a turn-around to cross the bridge on the north side without restriction.  Trucks and buses may also opt to continue north on Annapolis Road and west (left) on Monroe Street to avoid the construction.

Information and construction updates regarding the Triple Bridges Replacement Project along MD-295 can be found at


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