New Traffic Pattern to be Installed Along Portion of Thames Street in Fell’s Point
Thames Street to be made one way westbound between Caroline and Ann Streets; Lancaster and Thames Streets to close nightly
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists that a new traffic pattern will soon be installed along a portion of Thames Street.
Starting on or about Saturday, November 7, 2020, Thames Street will become one-way westbound between Caroline and Ann Streets. One lane of westbound traffic will be open for motorists along this portion of Thames Street, and no eastbound traffic will be allowed. Once this new traffic pattern is implemented, all southbound S. Broadway and S. Caroline Street traffic will be required to turn right (west) onto Thames Street.
In addition, nightly road closures will be implemented along Thames and Lancaster Streets to facilitate outdoor dining activities:
Signs will be posted in the area to alert motorists of the new traffic patterns. Motorists traveling in this vicinity should be on the watch for changing traffic patterns and are encouraged to use alternate routes.