Residents utilizing this city slow street around Lake Montebello should be aware of slow-moving trucks on a portion of the roadway
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise residents that truck traffic will be temporarily utilizing a portion of Curran Drive to access Montebello Elementary School.
On Thursday, July 30, 2020 truck traffic will be utilizing Curran Drive from Whitman Drive to the elementary school between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. In addition, trucks will temporarily utilize this portion of Curran Drive Monday, August 3 through Friday, August 7, 2020 to access the school each day during these times.
Curran Drive was recently selected to be a part of the city’s Slow Streets pilot program at Lake Montebello. Through the Slow Streets initiative, portions of Lake Montebello have been closed to vehicular traffic in order to provide residents with additional room to walk and bike safely around the lake while practicing proper social distancing protocols.
Residents using Curran Drive should be aware that large trucks will be sharing this designated Slow Street area during the dates and times listed above. The trucks will travel at minimum speeds along Curran Drive while accessing the school, and citizens should be on the watch for vehicular traffic utilizing the roadway.
For additional information about the Department of Transportation’s Slow Streets program, visit transportation.baltimorecity.gov/slow-streets-program.