The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists that two northbound lanes of Howard Street are scheduled to reopen tomorrow, Thursday, August 08, 2019 at noon.
Numerous City agencies — led by the Department of Public Works — along with the Department of Transportation, contractors, and private companies, have been working along Howard Street to repair the underground collapse. Significant progress has been made to restore the roadway, which will allow two lanes of northbound Howard Street between Conway and Pratt Streets to be reopened to traffic.
It is still unclear when southbound Howard Street will reopen. Southbound Howard Street will remain closed from Lombard to Conway Streets. Traffic destined for southbound I-395 cannot use Lombard to Howard Street, but can utilize Martin Luther King Boulevard, Lombard to Light or Lombard to Sharp Street to Conway Street to I-395. Citizens traveling in the downtown area should plan additional commute time as repair work continues.
Citizens should be aware that MDOT MTA’s Light RailLink Service remains suspended between the North Avenue and Camden Yards stations. A shuttle bus bridge has been implemented between these stations to accommodate light rail passengers during this time. Signage has been placed at these stops, and Transit Ambassadors are available on location to assist passengers. Light RailLink Service from the south to Camden Yards is running as scheduled.
For additional information on Baltimore City road closures, visit transportation.baltimorecity.gov. For information on Light Rail and mass transit options, visit mta.maryland.gov.