The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists of the traffic modifications that will be in effect for the Moonrise Festival. The event will be held on Saturday, August 11 and Sunday, August 12, 2018 at Pimlico Race Course.
Patrons attending the event are strongly urged to carpool or use public transportation. Citizens that choose to drive to Pimlico Race Course should park at commercial lots and avoid parking in area neighborhoods. All posted parking restrictions will be strictly enforced and vehicles parked in violation will be ticketed and towed. Vehicles that are towed during the event will be relocated to Cylburn Avenue just south of Northern Parkway. Citizens with questions concerning the location of their vehicle should call 311.
During the event, Traffic Enforcement Officers and the Baltimore City Police will assist with the movement of traffic in the Pimlico area. Motorists traveling throughout northwest Baltimore may experience delays this weekend and should be on the watch for pedestrians and changing traffic patterns while driving.
In preparation for the festival, the following special traffic patterns and road closures will be implemented:
Saturday, August 11, 2018 beginning at approximately 7:00 a.m. (Ingress Traffic Plan)
- Rogers Avenue – Closed from W. Northern Parkway to Winner Avenue (Installation of jersey walls begins)
- Park Heights Avenue – Left turning lane closed at Rogers Avenue, no eastbound traffic permitted
- W. Northern Parkway – Eastbound left lane closure from Park Heights Avenue to Greenspring Avenue
- W. Northern Parkway – Westbound right lane closure from Greenspring Avenue to Pimlico Road for “Triangle Lot” vehicle entry
- W. Northern Parkway – Closure of all median breaks from Park Heights to Rogers Avenue
- Hayward Avenue – Converted to one way inbound (eastbound) from Park Heights Avenue to Winner Avenue
- Park Heights Avenue – Implementation of double left turning bay southbound onto Hayward Avenue
- Winner Avenue – One way conversion from Hayward Avenue to W. Northern Parkway
- Rogers Avenue – One way conversion from Winner Avenue to Park Heights Avenue
- Jones Falls Expressway – Installation of exclusive lanes both northbound and southbound for westbound traffic onto W. Northern Parkway to create continuous traffic flow
- Cylburn Avenue – Closed from Greenspring Avenue to W. Northern Parkway
Saturday, August 11, 2018 beginning 8:00 p.m. (Egress Traffic Plan)
- W. Northern Parkway – Westbound closed at Falls Road to Park Heights Avenue
- W. Northern Parkway – Installation of westbound left lane closure from Bland Avenue extended through Winner Avenue
- W. Northern Parkway – Removal of eastbound left lane closure from Park Heights Avenue to Greenspring Avenue
- Park Heights Avenue – Removal of double turning bay onto Hayward Avenue
- Hayward Avenue – One way conversion westbound from Winner Avenue to Park Heights Avenue
- Jones Falls Expressway – Installation of right lane closure northbound to create exclusive lane for motorists traveling northbound on Jones Falls Expressway from W. Northern Parkway
- Pimlico Road – Closed from W. Northern Parkway to Ken Oak Road
- Pimlico Road – Creation of one way traffic pattern from Ken Oak Road to Cross Country Boulevard
Sunday, August 12, 2018 beginning at approximately 7:00 a.m. (Ingress Traffic Plan)
- W. Northern Parkway – Eastbound left lane closure from Park Heights Avenue to Greenspring Avenue
- W. Northern Parkway – Westbound right lane closure from Greenspring Avenue to Pimlico Road for “Triangle Lot” vehicle entry
- W. Northern Parkway – Closure of all median breaks from Park Heights to Rogers Avenue
- Hayward Avenue – Converted to one way inbound (eastbound) from Park Heights Avenue to Winner Avenue
- Park Heights Avenue – Implementation of double left turning bay southbound onto Hayward Avenue
- Winner Avenue – One way conversion from Hayward Avenue to W. Northern Parkway
- Rogers Avenue – One way conversion from Winner Avenue to Park Heights Avenue
- Jones Falls Expressway – Installation of exclusive lanes both northbound and southbound for westbound traffic onto W. Northern Parkway to create continuous traffic flow
- Cylburn Avenue – Closed from Greenspring Avenue to W. Northern Parkway
Sunday, August 12, 2018 beginning 8:00 p.m. (Egress Traffic Plan)
- W. Northern Parkway – Westbound closed at Falls Road to Park Heights Avenue
- W. Northern Parkway – Installation of westbound left lane closure from Bland Avenue extended through Winner Avenue
- W. Northern Parkway – Removal of eastbound left lane closure from Park Heights Avenue to Greenspring Avenue
- Park Heights Avenue – Removal of double turning bay onto Hayward Avenue
- Hayward Avenue – Converted into one way outbound (westbound) from Winner Avenue to Park Heights Avenue
- Jones Falls Expressway – Installation of right lane closure northbound to create exclusive lane for motorists traveling northbound on Jones Falls Expressway from W. Northern Parkway
- Pimlico Road – Closed from W. Northern Parkway to Ken Oak Road
- Pimlico Road – Creation of one way traffic pattern from Ken Oak Road to Cross Country Boulevard