Department of Transportation Announces Additional Automated Enforcement Locations
Baltimore, MD (Friday, June 25, 2021) – The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists that five new automated speed enforcement locations will soon be implemented, as part of the City’s Automated Traffic Violation Enforcement System (ATVES).
Baltimore’s ATVES program uses automated enforcement cameras to promote safe driving by reducing driver speeds in school zones throughout the city. The speed camera monitoring system consists of portable and fixed cameras that detect vehicles which exceed the posted speed limit by at least 12 miles per hour. Speed cameras operate in Baltimore City school zones, Monday through Friday, from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM, throughout the year. The speed camera violation fine is $40.00 as prescribed by State Law.
Automated speed cameras will begin enforcement operations on or about Monday, July 19, 2021 at the following locations, including multiple directions:
The block ranges and intersections listed above are approximations for the automated enforcement zones. Enforcement at all locations may be on a temporary, rotating, or permanent basis. To learn more about Baltimore’s ATVES program visit: https://transportation.baltimorecity.gov/atvesprogram.