Implementation for the third phase of Slow Streets begins September 14, 2020, bringing the total number of miles implemented across the city to 26 miles
BALTIMORE, MD — Today, the Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) is excited to announce that the third round of the Slow Streets Program will soon be implemented. The Slow Streets program began on July 27, 2020 to provide a safe way of calming traffic and reducing traffic volumes to give residents more social distancing space while moving around outside.
Following the successful launch and implementation of over 16 miles of Slow Streets across the city, BCDOT will install an additional 10 miles. Once implemented, Baltimore City residents will be able to provide official comments and feedback regarding the program evaluation. This is a temporary initiative based on the public heath response; however, the evaluation will provide valuable information that will influence future traffic calming projects.
Roadways that are designated as Slow Streets will be restricted to local traffic only. Traffic calming measures will be implemented to provide neighborhoods with safe areas to social distance while walking, running, or cycling. Residents can follow our Slow Streets progress on the GIS portal and provide feedback on the Slow Streets website once all Slow Streets installations are completed. Beginning Monday, September 14, 2020, the final round of slow streets will be implemented in the following locations:
District | Neighborhood(s) | Street | Limit 1 | Limit 2 | Miles |
1 | Canton, Brewers Hill | Fleet Street | S Chester Street | S Haven Street | 1.32 |
2 | Frankford | Gerland Avenue | Frankfurt Avenue | Todd Avenue | 0.37 |
3 | Westfield | Royston Avenue | Milton Lane | Eunice Avenue | 0.14 |
3 | Hamilton Hills | Pioneer Drive | Woodbourne Avenue | Crozier Drive | 0.67 |
3 | Mayfield | Norman Avenue | Chesterfield Avenue | Erdman Avenue | 0.35 |
4 | Lake Evesham | Ready Avenue | Nicholl Avenue | Cedarcroft Road | 0.13 |
7 | Medfield | 42nd Street | Buena Vista Avenue | Falls Road | 0.23 |
7 | Reservoir Hill | Park Avenue | Whitelock Avenue | North Ave | 0.3 |
8 | Hunting Ridge | Winans Way | Edmonson Avenue | Briarclift Road | 0.4 |
8 | Ten Hills | Nottingham Road/Atholgate Lane | Edmonson Avenue | S Wickham Road | 0.66 |
8 | Ten Hills | N Chapel Gate Lane | Edmonson Avenue | N Rock Glen Road | 0.58 |
8 | Rognel Heights | Seminole Avenue | Wicklow Road | Rokeby Road | 0.24 |
11 | Ridgley's Delight | Portland Street | S Fremont Avenue | S Greene Street | 0.17 |
11 | Riverside | E Randall Street | Light Street | Webster Street | 0.38 |
11 | Seton Hill | N Paca Street | W Franklin Street | W Centre Street | 0.16 |
12 | Greenmount West | Barclay Street | North Avenue | Oliver Street | 0.31 |
12 | Mount Vernon | Read Street | Guilford Avenue | Charles Street | 0.2 |
12 | Gay Street, Oliver | Bond Street | Madison Street | North Avenue | 0.9 |
13 | CARE | N Madeira Street | Mullikin Street | Orleans Street | 0.04 |
13 | McElderry Park, Madison-Eastend | Lakewood Avenue | Eager Street | Federal Street | 0.5 |
14 | Abell | Barclay Street | E 30th Street | E 33rd Street | 0.24 |
14 | Better Waverly, Waverly | Old York Road | Greenmount Avenue | Chestnut Hill | 0.64 |
14 | Wyman Park | Tudor Arms Avenue | W 37th Street | W 39th Street | 0.17 |
14 | Coldstream Homestead Montebello | Montpelier Street | Homewood Avenue | Harford Road | 0.45 |
14 | Remington | Cresmont Avenue | W 29th Street | W 31st Street | 0.14 |
14 | Original Northwood | Roundhill Road | Argonne Drive | Loch Raven Blvd | 0.2 |
14 | Better Waverly | E 30th Street | Greenmount Avenue | Loch Raven Blvd | 0.39 |
BCDOT began taking Slow Street nominations from city residents in July. All nominations had to meet BCDOT’s Slow Streets criteria and required sponsorship from their respective Councilperson in order to be approved for implementation. The deadline to submit nominations for the Slow Streets 2020 program has now passed.
As BCDOT's Slow Streets program continues to expand, agency operations will increasingly shift from implementation to the maintenance of Slow Streets. With this in mind, BCDOT has created a new Slow Streets barricade maintenance 311 service request option. For damaged or misplaced Slow Streets barricades, residents will now have the option of calling 311 and requesting that Slow Streets barricades either be repaired or placed back in their appropriate positions. BCDOT encourages residents to document the service request tracking numbers for record keeping purposes. We ask that residents help do their part to ensure the success of Slow Streets in Baltimore City.
Motorists are advised to use designated Slow Streets only if their destination is within two blocks of that street. Residents, emergency vehicles, deliveries, and trash collection vehicles still have access to Slow Streets. Streets with bus routes are not eligible for a Slow Streets designation.
Additional information regarding BCDOT’s Slow Street Program can be found at https://transportation.baltimorecity.gov/slow-streets-program.