BALTIMORE, MD — Today, Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young, Department of Transportation Director Steve Sharkey and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council announced that the City of Baltimore is gearing up for a virtual Bike to Work Week.
“Bike to Work celebrations are held annually each September throughout the United States and Canada to promote cycling as a practical option for commuting to work,” said Mayor Young. “With the recent implementation of the City’s Complete Streets policy and our newly implemented Slow Streets legislation, the transportation infrastructure in Baltimore is now changing to safely accommodate cyclists in the city.”
To celebrate biking in Maryland, the region’s Bike to Work Week will be held virtually from September 21-27, 2020. To keep riders safe this year, the usual rallies and pit stops have been replaced with online networking, encouragement, resources and prizes. Citizens can register for the event by September 19, 2020 at biketoworkmd.com.
The first 2,500 registrants are eligible to pick up a free t-shirt at one of twenty local bike shops in the region and all riders are entered into drawings for great prizes. In Baltimore City, t-shirts can be obtained from the following locations, including:
“This year marks the 23rd annual Bike to Work celebration held in Baltimore City which celebrates biking as a healthy and sustainable commuting option,” said Director Sharkey. “This year marks a milestone for the city, as we now have Complete Street and Slow Streets legislation in place which ensures that the city’s infrastructure is planned, designed and constructed to safely accommodate all users of the transportation system.”
In conjunction with Bike to Work Week, citizens are encouraged to participate in the Cycle September Global Bike Challenge which is a fun, friendly and free competition that promotes bike riding all month long. Residents can join a challenge team or participate individually as part of the Love to Ride Central Maryland community. Rides as short as ten minutes earn points and are eligible for prizes. Citizens interested in the challenge can register at lovetoride.net/centralmd.
Citizens are also encouraged to celebrate Car Free Day, which occurs during Bike to Work Week on Tuesday, September 22nd. This worldwide event encourages motorists to give up their car for a day and use a greener method of travel. Sustainable ways of travel, such as transit, bicycling, walking and carpooling help to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion. Motorists are encouraged reduce their carbon footprint by taking the Car Free Day pledge online at carfreemetrodc.org and registered participants will be automatically entered to win great raffle prizes.