The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists that severe storms are expected to pass through the Baltimore region starting tomorrow morning, Thursday, April 30, 2020.
The Department of Transportation is preparing for the possible inclement weather by having additional crews on standby and ready to respond if needed. The severe storms and heavy winds could cause downed trees, power outages and traffic signal outages throughout the city. Motorists should be on the watch for possible debris in city roadways and traffic signals that may be in flash mode or not operational. Drivers approaching an intersection with malfunctioning traffic signals should treat it as a four-way stop and proceed with extreme caution for everyone’s safety.
These potential storms could also cause flooding in low-lying or flood prone areas. Residents are strongly advised not to walk or drive through flooded areas. Motorists who encounter flooded roadways should turn around, use alternate routes and avoid moving/bypassing any barricades that have been placed by emergency officials for safety. Vehicles can be swept away in as little as two inches of water, so residents should remember to ‘turn around, don’t drown’.
Fells Point residents who have their vehicles parked in areas prone to flooding are strongly encouraged to relocate their cars as soon as possible. The Fleet and Eden Garage (501 S. Eden Street) will be open from 8:00 p.m. this evening (April 29, 2020) until midnight tomorrow evening so that residents can park their cars in the garage at no charge to avoid possible flooding in the area. Space is limited and available on a first come, first served basis and vehicles must be moved out of the garage by 12:00 a.m. on Friday, May 01, 2020 to avoid any fees.
Throughout the day tomorrow, residents are encouraged to tune into the local news media for the latest weather updates. For more information on how to prepare for inclement weather, click here to visit the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management's website.