Educational and enforcement campaign will raise awareness about dangerous driving habits
BALTIMORE, MD (April 18, 2018) — Today, Mayor Catherine Pugh was joined by Department of Transportation Director Michelle Pourciau and representatives from Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration, Maryland AAA Mid-Atlantic, the Baltimore City Police Department, the Baltimore City Fire Department, the Downtown Partnership of Baltimore and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council to announce the launch of a new Traffic Safety Campaign in Baltimore City.
“Safety is my number one priority in the City of Baltimore and it is our responsibility to ensure that citizens can travel safely and efficiently in this city,” said Mayor Catherine Pugh. “Through this new educational and enforcement campaign, we are working to reduce accidents and help save lives.”
This comprehensive safety campaign is being launched in order to reduce vehicular accidents and make the streets of Baltimore safer. Each year, nearly 20,000 crashes occur on city streets, many of which are a result of distracted driving. Accidents can be prevented, and the Baltimore City Department of Transportation has joined with State and private partners to raise public awareness about dangerous driving habits. Maryland’s traffic safety community has a vision to move the state “Toward Zero Deaths” and the City of Baltimore has aligned with its project partners for a zero fatality state.
“Through this comprehensive safety initiative, we encourage everyone to share the road, be more aware of dangerous driving habits and always put safety first,” said Michelle Pourciau, Baltimore City Department of Transportation Director. “Spring is one of the most dangerous seasons on our roadways, when the highest number of vehicular crashes occur, and we are committed to working ‘Toward Zero’ injuries and fatalities on city streets.”
As part of the city’s comprehensive safety campaign, the Department of Transportation will be conducting a variety of safety initiatives that aim to increase awareness about dangerous driving behaviors and the safe usage of city roadways. These initiatives include: