This year marks the 19th annual Bike to Work Day celebration in Baltimore, which originated in 1956. Bike to Work Day events are held annually across the United States and Canada to promote cycling as a viable option for commuting to work. "Bike to Work Day is an excellent way to encourage citizens to use alternative modes of transportation" said Acting Director Murphy. "The City of Baltimore is making significant progress in becoming bicycle friendly, and we are committed to providing a safe and sustainable multi-modal transportation system."
To promote Bike to Work Day in Baltimore City, the Department of Transportation organized a number of cycle ‘commuter stations’ at various downtown locations. These stations make it easy for cyclists to participate, by providing a number of convenient locations in the downtown area.
For more information on this year's Bike To Work Day, including locations and registration information, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bike-to-work-day-central-maryland-friday-may-20-2016-registration-24174573801