Our Maintenance team currently has forty employees dedicated to the Milling and Paving Program. This is a citywide effort where crews work 10 hour days, four days a week from 7:00AM until 5:00PM. We work with neighborhoods to advise that there will be NO PARKING on their street for a minimum of three days while work is being conducted and we thank them for their support and cooperation. Roadways are milled first, removing asphalt and shaving the roadway. Paving crews come in right after to service the roadway with fresh new asphalt that is smooth and safe for travel.
This program works in conjunction with our Engineering and Construction Division to effectively mill and pave lane miles of roadways throughout the City. The work performed is comparable to the work of the contractors and allows us to dedicate capital dollars to street management practices. Along with the milling and paving performed by the Maintenance Division, a comprehensive street management program has been initiated to help preserve city streets with scheduled preventive maintenance practices such as crack sealing, pot hole and joint repair. This global approach to street management ensures that road life can be extended thus saving capital dollars for other projects such as bridge repairs and road reconstruction. Preservation of the roadway is less than ten percent of the cost of roadway reconstruction. This activity is not only cost effective but it allows city employees to complete the roadwork as opposed to hiring outside contractors.